There are various aspects of my personality which are decidedly ruled by what is conventionally considered to be the right-side of the brain -- the side that handles the warm, fuzzy feelings and such. I have an incredibly vivid and vibrant imagination that is constantly at work no matter what I may be doing and what I may be focusing on. Anyone who knows me has said something along the lines of "nothing can ever be realistically as fun for Trent as he imagines it to be." This may seem like a sad...
Jump to: The Apology :: The Personal Touch :: The Geeky Touch :: Games of 2006 :: Parting Sentiments The Apology Now that I'm officially engulfed in the first day of my Christmas vacation, I can address an increasingly vocal group of readers who are dissatisfied with the amount of entries that have been written within the last few months in a more-or-less rambling fashion. This method of rambling has been, by and large, dismissed in the favor of far more technological in na...
Jump to: Personalstuffs :: Child Rearing 101 :: Movie Summaries :: The Gaming Front :: Writing and Conclusion Sorry about the complete lack of posts in the recent past. I could give an honest, heartfelt, sympathetic, sincere, redundantly-described apology for the occurrence but the truth of the matter is that I just needed a break from writing these things. Now, here's a biggish "digest entry" which I've ever-so-thoughtfully broken into things that we in the old country call segm...
Well, it's been about three weeks since my last entry that didn't related to games at all. What better day than the Fourth of July (also known as Indepe ndence Day ) to... Write a nice site entry? I finished up my spring term here at this fine establishment a few of weeks ago, thus bringing an end to intensive second-year Spanish and, at the same time, putting an end to the necessary language requirement. And I even did it with a perfectly acceptable grade -- gasp . And last week I...
I'm sitting here on the last night of my nice little mid-summer vacation from Ann Arbor, classes, and the like. For spring I was technically only taking a single class, but the class was an intensive second-year Spanish course, designed to take thirty weeks of normal-semester classes and shrink it down into seven weeks. It actually didn't end up being nearly as bad as I went in expecting, but that isn't to say it was easy. For the most part, though, I'm very glad I did it; I made a few friends...
It's currently the middle of June and, right on schedule , sleeping problems rear their ugly little heads again. I have no real cause which I can place blame upon for the situation, but hey, it could be worse. At least this year I have an air-conditioned room and a far higher overall energy level. Though I generally prefer the days where I don't get enough sleep at night to be weekdays, simply due to the fact that my easiest way to stay awake and get energy is to go to the gym (which is closed ...
Well, unlike my last entry , this is not a post fueled by seething emo . I've had a very awesome (if not incredibly exhausting) week filled with spots of concentrated greatness throughout, and for this I am a happykitty. First, let me just start out detailing the almost unending praises that I have for Veronica Mars . Over the course of the last week I have watched the first two seasons of the show in their entirety and I have rarely been so surprised with just how great a seemingly-simp...
I'm beginning to realize that Michigan's seemingly-schizophrenic weather patterns actually do follow some kind of predictable logic. Not in when things occur, of course, but there are definite "seasons" that begin and end, honestly, whenever the Elder Michiganians Up High designate that the season in question starts and terminates. For instance, summer is just now beginning as of May 27. Would you like to know how I know this? Because the weather forecast for the next week is all eighty degrees ...
I'm continually impressed with my own ability to neglect this site (I simply refuse to call it a… blog . Such a silly word). Last time I apologized that I had successfully forsaken the site for about a week, and this time I'll apologize for successfully forsaking the site for, roughly, ten days. To make up for this from the get-go, I present to you two pictures with cuteness levels which have the ability to make all neglectful behavior disappear. Exhibit A and Exhibit B . I do hope that, n...
So, I originally started an entry that was more in line with the standard kind of rambling entry that I normally do. I got about three sentences done, when I realized that this simply wasn't going to cut it. Mostly because I think I've been mildly sleep-deprived for the last few days, but also because I've been really sleep-deprived for the last few days, but mostly just because I'm in a good, rambling, story-telling kind of mood that I feel would work best as a more storylike entry. Rambling is...
Alright, sorry kids. Put down the pitchforks, torches, and hostage kittens. I had been doing so well updating this thing with consistency every 3-4 days, and then I go and so something brash like not updating it in a week. Apologies. Apologies all around. I came home-home on Monday and, to be quite honest, I do so love coming home. I don't really do anything other than just hang around with my family, watch TV at night, and then retreat to the room that I spent so many hours in while grow...
Sometimes, late at night, I feel this urge to, say, write an entry of some sorts for a site somewhere. Tonight, that happens to be the case. I can't say, specifically, what created this unique feeling in me... But I'm guessing it has something to do with chips and salsa and beer... Yeah, that sounds about right. I don't really have anything to really write about, to be honest. Though let's not kid ourselves here: it's not like I ever do . The Internet is truly a wonderful place. It is a lo...
So, at this point in time I only have roughly two weeks before I can head home and begin my summer vacation. And a week after that I come back to school -- so, yeah, awesome and such. Though, honestly, as much as I don't really want to do it, school during the summer is actually kind of fun. It's a lot more "relaxed" than a normal school year and, at least in my experience, the people that stay for summer tend to be a different variety of student. You know -- the insane, masochistic variety of...
It's some sort of given that if you have a week of little sleep, you're going to finish the big project or two or three that you've been working on and then you're going to wake up sick. I mean, sure, you might have been feeling a bit sick before you wake up -- say: just enough to make working on the project as much fun as licking sandpaper -- but it's really going to hit you that moment you think: "Hey, now I can relax!" This isn't exactly a theory or law or anything fancy of the sort, but… Yea...
I do very much apologize for going almost five days without so much as the smallest update to this, my Beloved Internet Paradise. That said, now is not going to be that update. I'm currently working on the second full draft of the second chapter of Paradise -- everyone's favorite dystopian, post-nuclear, romantic, darkly comedic, dramatic psychological thriller of a book. Once this thing is done, along with a couple other requirements for the week, you can expect a nice little rambling ...