Trent Polack's site for cats, games, game development, and undeniably powerful sociological insight all with a healthy dose of narcissism.
mittens's Articles In Sex & Romance
May 16, 2004 by mittens
Well, now that I’ve properly identified the conundrum that my mind has been facing for the last few weeks, I think it’s time for a bit of objective analysis on the situation. For those who aren’t familiar with the situation though, I’ll give a brief rundown on the happenings of the past three weeks. Being that today is Sunday, you need to go back two days to Friday, and then go back three weeks to a Friday that took place three weeks ago. You can then go read my entry from that Friday to ge...
May 13, 2004 by mittens
So, you may wonder, given the overall positive mood of the last entry (the non-game ones), why I had to insert the first couple paragraphs and the quite-obvious scorned feelings that they presented. Well, you see, the night of drinking and good wacky drunk puking fun (for the two womenfolk) was the night of goodness and happiness. That was the night where I met the ever-so-fun-to-talk-to Sam [her real name is mentioned once, and only once, in this period of doubt]. Now: the rest of the stor...