Trent Polack's site for cats, games, game development, and undeniably powerful sociological insight all with a healthy dose of narcissism.
mittens's Articles In Life Journals
July 12, 2004 by mittens
I know I said I was done blogging here, but I made this entry in my primary blog over at (my primary/personal site), so I decided to mirror this entry here, since I really liked it. Anyhoo, enjoy. I'm feeling a bit philosophical this morning, or reflective, nostalgic, or whatever you want to call it. And, as I was on my way to work, I was thinking about my own self, my personality, my character, my "inner-being," or, once again, whatever you want to call it. While I was thinkin...
June 7, 2005 by mittens
I plan to get "back to my roots" with articles more focused on game design, development, and critique of popular games and mods, but every now and then, I may update with a little more personal posts. As for now, enjoy this one. Contrary to the name of this post, this really isn't going to be focused on a pretty girl . There could be some overarching reasoning to my naming the post this, but I don't plan on fleshing that reason out. I'm probably going to be write less and less about my pe...
January 25, 2006 by mittens
I do apologize for my continued procrastination on that silly top-ten list. Honestly, I'll get around to finishing it eventually but as for now I'm on this relaxation kick where I want to get back from class, go running for a while, maybe lift a few ridiculously miniscule weights, come back, do some necessary homework, and then... Relax . You'd think the idea that there are only two more game articles for me to flesh out would make the idea of finishing it a lot more appealing, but these are ...
January 24, 2006 by mittens
I'm going to try and finish up that damn list soon-ish, but given my current schooling situation , I'm finding it a bit hard to write a semi "professional" (haha) article. Though things should cool down a bit later this week, so hopefully Thursday and Friday/Saturday will lead me in the direction of articles #2 and #1. Until then, though, it's just emo blog-boy back on the scene . School has been kind of a painful mistress lately. And not just any painful mistress, no sir, we're talking lik...
January 11, 2006 by mittens
I don't generally post this kind of stuff here, but since I've been hearing talk of the likes that my top ten list will never be finished, I thought I'd mirror this particular blog entry here. I have a habit of writing completely nonsensical entries where I simply ramble, ramble, and ramble some more until I feel content that I've written enough to satisfy my readers. Consider yourself informed, and enjoy the rambling. This blog title (and the corresponding subtitle) are both from the ever-...
June 20, 2005 by mittens
I've had a series of interesting revelations and plans throughout the course of the day, which, for the record, didn't even begin until 4:30pm. The first of which, though not necessarily chronological in occurrence, is about change and style, in a few different combinations. And, as you read this, don't mind whatever internal gaydar you may be running at the moment; if it starts flashing, beeping, or playing some ridiculous pop song at any point in your reading this post, just pay it no mind. ...
September 3, 2007 by mittens
So, I moved into my new apartment a couple of weeks ago off in a city about thirty-or-so miles from Ann Arbor. It's a one-bedroom apartment that is, quite frankly, about one bedroom larger than I really need, but at least that gives the cat some more room to wander and stalk invisible monsters. I'm in the middle of a huge furniture drought which proved a fairly daunting thing when I had my setup arranged in a logical state (bed in the bedroom, and I left my computer in the living room)... ...
April 21, 2007 by mittens
Jump to: Intro :: Living Spaces :: Tremories :: Conclusion Semantics and Generalities As I was driving home this afternoon for my last at-home vacation for a while, I realized that being that I only have a single exam remaining before my senior year is officially at a close and, continuing with a tradition a whole two years in the running, it's time for that end-of-the-year post where I can get all appropriately nostalgic about things that have occurred over the past nine m...
April 21, 2006 by mittens
I'm a big fan of the whole idea of keeping some semblance of structure in terms of the structure of yearly posts. So this is, for most intents and purposes, the 2005-2006 version of the "end of the year" post (done with similar intentions, though mostly likely a completely unique execution) that I did last year . I have yet to officially end this, my junior year at the University of Michigan , but with only a handful of days left before I go home for the week-long separation between winter a...
March 7, 2006 by mittens
It's been so long since you and I had a nice chat. I feel like you've changed before my very eyes. No, no, it's a compliment -- no need to shield your face. So, hey... How's it been going? Things going good? Yeah, well, I suppose they would be good now that you're seeing someone else. I can't believe you'd ever do that to me! You tore my heart out, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it with those hideous steel-toed boots you're always goin' on about. -- What's that? You want to know......