So, I'll come clean with you -- I didn't actually have anything planned for this list when I started it. I figured, hey, I'll come up with the list as I go! Nothing could possibly go wrong with that! Yeah, turned out I was completely out of ideas for games to take the eighth, seventh, and sixth spots in this ever-so-valued list. And for your information I took an extra five minutes today to contemplate just what order my favoritist games of the year would take in this list (which actually took...
I saw an opossum today. I was just walking down the sidewalk and the little bugger just jumped out right in front of me -- I kid you not. At first I was just about to step on it, but that was the course of action when I thought it was a big trash bag that blew into the middle of the sidewalk. When I realized that the trash had eyes, which were oddly enough attached to a rodentish head, I realized that this wasn't just any trash bags. It was a trash bag that was starting me down. I halted all...
Jump to: Introduction :: Upon Release :: DS 2005 :: DS 2006 :: DS 2007+ A Dual-Screened Motivation Earlier this week I had a discussion with my mother about the Nintendo DS when I noticed, in an ad paper, that the DS Lite was being sold for $150 (a price which I recently realized is nothing special). I made the mistake of mentioning that there was a Super Mario Bros. remake and Tetris DS released for the system. It took only a few nanoseconds to get the conversation t...