I like this whole top-ten thing. Time for another. Unlike the last list, though, these are actually real suggestions. I will, however, be omitting the blatently obvious programs (Outlook, Word, Visual Studio, WinRAR, etc.)
- WindowBlinds - Maybe not entirely practical, it is the single best desktop skinning software around.
- metapad - Fuck notepad, metapad is where it's at. This is my favorite text-editor EVER.
- Samurize - At first glance, it's just another piece of desktop mod'ing software. However, it's one of the most detailed and complex system monitors around. I can't live without this thing while I'm working.
- Trillian - Screw any other IM client, Trillian is the best around. Even if you only use *ONE* IM service, Trillian is still the best. It has complete chat logging, skinning, plugins for all sorts of stuff, and it's incredibly stable. Definately worth the money for the Pro version.
- Mozilla Firebird - The best browser around. This thing is stable, has tabbed-browsing, is constantly being updated, fully theme-able, and has "extensions" that can make it whatever you want it to be. For instance, I have it so that my menus are compact as possible, I have my top list of bookmarks easily accessible without navigating through any menu, a little google search-bar, and... well... so much more.
- Irfanview - The ONLY image viewer you should *ever* be using.
- QuickNotes - This is *the* best "sticky-note" software I've seen. Fully skinnable, perfectly stable, and almost 99.9% bug-free (I haven't seen a single one since I've used it). Hell yeah.
- Paint Shop Pro - A very nice alternative to Photoshop, this product is one that I swear by. Sure it's not nearly as powerful as photoshop, but it gets the simple stuff done really fast, and sometimes, that's all I ever want/need.
- BitTorrent - Ever want to share that 600mb file of yours, but you don't have nearly enough space on your site to hold it? Or do you know a lot of people will want your file really fast? Well, this is where BitTorrent comes in. This is a brilliant program that received the attention it deserves hella fast. A definate need for everyone.
- MSDN - Without a doubt, the biggest resource a programmer can ever have available to him/her. This collection of articles/tutorials/references has saved many a life.
And that's it for this wonderful little list! Hope you find a program or two on it that you didn't know about. I tried to limit the desktop mod'ing programs on the list, or else I'm sure I'd be bitched out for not having a wide enough array of interests... Not that it wouldn't be deserved.