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What's "Hot" and What to Expect!
Published on May 10, 2004 By mittens In Current Events
One of my new editorials has been posted over at FileFront today; this one contains my predictions for E3 2004 which include a list of what to look for in regards to "hot" games, and my prediction as to what is going to be announced and what is not.

This year’s E3 is going to be, without a doubt, the biggest E3 in history. The gaming industry is becoming more and more Hollywood-esque with every passing day; not to mention the fact that this is E3’s 10th anniversary, which means there are going to be some cool exhibits up for attendees, namely the “History of Video Games” exhibit which is being organized by the Classic Gaming Expo (CGE) and Intellivision. However, this year will also be big because we have sequels to some of the most influential games of the 20th century, such as Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 (though, unfortunately for Doom 3 fans, the PC version will not be shown at E3; but, the Xbox version will be shown). There are also some fairly “big” rumors making their way around the rumor-mills that may-or-may not come to pass.

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