Trent Polack's site for cats, games, game development, and undeniably powerful sociological insight all with a healthy dose of narcissism.
Unfinished XNA Source Code
Published on November 16, 2008 By mittens In Game Developers

Short story made shorter: I'm putting my XNA Action/RTS Cubegasm on hold. My framework isn't nearly robust enough to make the kind of game I want to make and, since this is strictly a hobby project, I'd rather not have to put all of the gameplay on hold while I flesh out the necessary backbone in order to get to the "fun stuff." I didn't see this as a reason not to release the current code for the project, though. So I'm doing that. You can get the source package: here.

It's not a very big release. Nor a very done one. It basically doesn't do anything. It'll load up a game map with one fortress firing bullets (that never get destroyed) at the player's five cube-spawning points. That's about it. How exciting!

Replacing Cubegasm is a game that I can actually play alongside development (also using XNA); it's called Brain Snack. I'll post some more information/screenshots when they're not embarrassingly bad.

on Nov 17, 2008

never give up your hobby projects... they can sometimes turn out more fun then the game itself.

on Nov 17, 2008


never give up your hobby projects... they can sometimes turn out more fun then the game itself.

The, like, day or two I spent on Brain Snack have me more excited than Cubegasm ever did. The problem with Cubegasm wasn't just that I didn't have the proper XNA framework to really make the game (though it was getting there), but that the core game design was lacking. Making a simplistic RTS isn't fun.