Trent Polack's site for cats, games, game development, and undeniably powerful sociological insight all with a healthy dose of narcissism.
Or: It's a Sad, Sad Night, Pt 2.
Published on May 28, 2004 By mittens In Dating
Sometimes, I swear that giving the general public access to the internet was the worst fucking thing that ever happened to the world. Firstly, people need to have reasons to use instant-messengers; if teenie-boppers want to spend their days chatting it up with their friends, talking shit behind people's backs, and gossiping, then do so the old-fashioned way: the phone. That way, when you talk to your buddy/girlfriend/what-the-fuck-ever, you won't have to embarrass the entire human race by your inability to type, form coherent sentences, or comprehend other people's sentences. Instant-Messengers need to be reserved for business purposes, and to the technically-savvy people; because, as research has shown, these people generally have an IQ above 25.

Also, when you deal with this, generally older (or at least, can act like an adult if the situation calls for it), they generally understand that wasting other people's time is not a good thing to do. I can't count the number of times people instant-message me, expect me to respond (because they keep spamming shit like "r u there?????", "yo???????", "sup!?!?!?!??!?!?!," "r u ignorn me??????????"), then once I do give in, they have absolutely nothing to say. It's not like they have some interesting gossip or anything, they just want to tell me about something in their lives, then they want me to think up the topic of conversation for the next half-hour. News flash assholes, I'm not here to entertain you. I actually do this thing called "work" when I'm at my computer. If I wanted to waste time talking to you about nothing, I'd call you. And you don't see me doing that.

Anyway, to begin the actual point of this entry, I’d like to really thank Jess and JillUser (my friend Abby as well, but she didn't leave a comment; the bitch ) for their inspiring comments from my last entry. They really made me feel a whole hell of a lot better about the whole situation. To tell the truth, I'm still really unsure why this is affecting me so much. I mean, I sure as hell didn't have some deep emotional investment in this chick.

I guess, when I met her (I wasn't looking to meet her, she just started talking to me on our way to a party), I just felt some sparks. I felt: "you know, this is a girl who is actually fun!" She was smart, she was interesting and, most importantly, she didn't seem the type of girl that's sole goal in life was to get drunk (even though she was at the time; warning sign Trent!), get laid, drink herself to becoming a fat-assed sorority girl, then rinse and repeat. Maybe I liked her because once we sat down for a while we were able to actually talk; even if we were both drunk at the time. Of course, maybe the alcohol made the night seem more "magical" than it actually was. I just can't be sure.

I mean, it's not like I'm actively looking for a girlfriend, love interest, whatever the fucking hell you want to call it. In fact, that couldn't be farther from the truth. I spent about 85% of my freshman year at college just enjoying being single, sitting at my computer, and being socially inept. Granted, the times I did go out, I always managed to meet some cute girl (or met-up with one I'd already known), but it's not like I continued to actively pursue any of them after that. When I met Sam, I guess I thought things just seemed "right." And, now, I can't really tell where anything went wrong. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, things seemed to be going very well. That might be why this particular rejection is bugging me so much. Or maybe, it's just because it was the last attempt at a relationship for my freshman year; which, all in all, was a total "romantic" bust.


I'd like to think that Jess's comment that "Let them find you" is right, but I'm an impatient motherfucker, and am left wondering if waiting is really the right course of action. I guess I'll find out at some point in time.

As a quick note, I don't consider any swearing in the context I'm using it to be "Adult Content," it's not like I'm using anything in an offensive context. Any person old enough to browse this site hears far, far worse at school.

on May 28, 2004

As a quick note, I don't consider any swearing in the context I'm using it to be "Adult Content," it's not like I'm using anything in an offensive context. Any person old enough to browse this site hears far, far worse at school.

If you don't hear it on the radio, then you should consider t adult content.  There are many people on this site that mark their articles as adult content when they say things that kids don't need to hear.  It's not the context, it's the words themselves.

You also said: "She was smart, she was interesting and, most importantly, she didn't seem the type of girl that's sole goal in life was to get drunk (even though she was at the time; warning sign Trent!), get laid, drink herself to becoming a fat-assed sorority girl, then rinse and repeat."

Maybe you don't realize that 13 year olds don't really need to read stuff like that.  It doesn't have to be "offensive" (in your view), it just has to be age inappropriate to be considered "adult content".  I really don't care what kids hear at school.  We have the right to request that some content is not available to minors.  Why does it harm you to mark it so that kids can't read it?

on May 28, 2004
Yes because any 13 year old is going to avoid something containing "adult content". Hell you're going to get more 13 year olds reading it by doing that.
on May 28, 2004

Yes because any 13 year old is going to avoid something containing "adult content". Hell you're going to get more 13 year olds reading it by doing that.

A 13 year old can't view adult content on here- it's hidden.

on May 28, 2004
I can sleep at night now knowing Joeuser imploys the same counter measures that prevent minors from viewing pornography, R rated movies, and parental advisory music.
on May 28, 2004
I really disagree with the fact that I'm marking this as adult content; the only other posts I've seen that mark things as "Adult Content" are posts that are graphic in their descriptions of sex and/or violence. I don't think it's right to lump these kinds of posts in with that crowd of posts.

As far as this quote: "Maybe you don't realize that 13 year olds don't really need to read stuff like that." goes; I'm quite aware what it's like to be 13 years old; far more-so than you are. However, I think it's safe to say that I grew up hearing things worse than what I say; whether it's in my home or school. Kids start swearing when they're 10-11 years old, listening to violent/vulgar music, seeing R-rated movies; however, parents don't know about it until far later. If I was trying to shield my kid from seeing "bad" language or getting exposed to violence/sex, I wouldn't give that child access to any site that I didn't strictly approve of. Sites that allow freedom of posting would NOT be a site I would want my kids to see. I'd keep my child limited to sites like, and other strictly-monitored sites that's aim is to learn. NOT a blog site that consists mostly of adult writers.
on May 28, 2004
Well, I had it set to "Adult Content," but once I found out that non-logged in users can't view an "Adult Content" post; I said: fuck that.

Aboug 75% of my reader-base comes from outside the JoeUser community. If you have a big problem with my posting, close my account; I already run another blog, I just like some of the people at JoeUser. However, that said, I will continue posting like normal.
on May 28, 2004
Oh, I perfectly understood you. However, being that I've followed the various censorship controversies over the years; from "Parental Advisory" labels on CD's to 'M' rated games, I've formed my thoughts on the matter. And don't try to appeal to my ego by saying "responsible adults mark their articles as adult content [...]," it's not going to work.

I grew up with the internet, if I ever started reading something that offended me, I found it very simple to close a window. Kids know this, but parents try to shield their kids from this. I can perfectly understand the concept, I'd be hella protective of my kids whenever I get around to getting some of my own; however, having recently been a kid, and still am a kid in many senses, I also understand a kid's mindset. My view on censorship is to let kids decide for their own what offends them, and what doesn't.

I'd be all for a rating system that didn't impose roadblocks on kids. Hell, I generally add warnings of all sorts to some of my posts when I remember to do so. I let people know when I'm angry, and when I'm likely to be vulgar. At that point, its a person's choice whether or not they want to continue reading.

As far as "Sites have the right to deem what is offensive;" I never said sites didn't have the right to deem certain things offensive, and other things not offensive. If you think I'm too offensive, ban me from the community. I will, however, not limit my audience with the "Adult Content" warning. If that label served purely as a warning, then sure thing; but it doesn't. It blocks people from EVER KNOWING about the article in the first place.
on May 28, 2004

Hey, where did my response go?

Screw's not worth it. 

on May 28, 2004
I for one only started hanging out here after Trent sent me links to this blog. Tired of creating an account at every site I visit I simply would not have done so here and as a result not came back. Trent in my opinion has not crossed the line enough to be R rated. He curses and touches on some mature ideas but nothing more than what can be found by flipping on the TV. I realize you want to keep this a nice happy place free of naughty language but untill he starts describing hard core sex scenes and eating donkey testicles leave him alone.
on May 28, 2004
Hell if I know, I didn't delete it if that's what you're trying to imply.
on May 31, 2004
trent, Teenie-bopper is my word... Aww.... you stole it.

haha you i can relate to you about the whole TB's gossiping and spamming all the time... ive written a few articles about how this generation that im stuck in is totally burning my toast when it comes to being dramatic and crap...

good luck on your woman troubles- things will look up for you- the right woman hasnt found you yet keep your chin up
on Jun 01, 2004
Teenie-bopper is not your word ...sorry ...the world has been there done that
