Trent Polack's site for cats, games, game development, and undeniably powerful sociological insight all with a healthy dose of narcissism.
Published on May 27, 2004 By mittens In Dating
History is dictated by those who felt the need to record it. For all we know, some crack whore could’ve documented the entire history before we had radio/video. The Revolutionary War could’ve been fought entirely between penguins and kittens, and not a single person that isn’t currently in the possession of a full-functional time machine could tell the world otherwise. This, my readers, is why I blog. I don’t give a flying fuck if people actually read this (though I do enjoy comments, people telling me that my life is interesting to read about, and other ego-inflating things), but I like to have it all down somewhere, so later, I can read it all and look back at how stupid I was.

I haven’t updated this in a while due to the fact that… well… I had nothing to update it with. I’m living alone in my apartment, writing a ton of articles for FileFront, playing a bunch of games, getting addicted to Battlefield: Vietnam — which, incidentally, I joined a clan for; which has been a GREAT choice so far, as I’m having a ton of fun playing BF:V with these guys — and eating.

Oh yeah, and I just finished a talk with good ‘ol Sam at 1:30am in the morning. It was basically a conversation where I showed her my more forward side, and, basically, pwned her in conversation. She pwned me first though by totally pwning my attempt to pwn her in a relationship. In simple speak, she rejected me. Oh yeah, I kick ass. Now that I have no woman to like, not only am I a happier person, but I feel far more isolated from the real world.

Sad, really.

Not too sad, mind you.

Though still sad. I’d like to meet someone but, as of now, it’s looking mighty grim. That’s all I feel like writing… For the first time, I really just don’t feel like talking about it. I’m actually mildly lonely, and I have no real candidates to help fill that "void in my life" (yay for clichés!), and as co-dependant as it makes me sound, I’m kind of sad about it. Though I’ll never admit it outside the blog, of course.

on May 27, 2004
Keep writing Trent ..there are people out here reading.

When you least expect it will meet someone. Let them find you.

on May 27, 2004

Hey, don't knock co-dependence   You are very young.  You never know what will happen and when it will happen but it will happen.

Best wishes.

on May 27, 2004

It is appreciated, when using the "F" word, to mark it as adult content.  If you don't hear it on radio, it's probably adult content.

Anyway, back on topic.  You are young, Trent.  Give it time.  The harder you look for somebody the more likely you are not to find them.